Your questions answered
Q.Are you Ofsted registered?
A.Yes as well as Network Accredited by the Manchester City Council. Our registration is displayed on the wall to see.
Q.What age range of children do you care for?
A.From birth to 5
Q.How much do you charge?
A.£50 for full day, £40 part day
Q.Do I have to pay if my child is off sick or on holiday?
A.Yes full payment is required whether your child attends or not including if I am away on holiday. You do not pay if I am off sick only.
Q.How do you monitor children and their progress?
A.We work with the EYFS and development matters, and carry out regular observations on the children, we use a programme called TAPESTRY. Parents are kept up to date regularly of their childs development.
Q.What kind of activities do you provide for the children?
A.A vast amount of resources are available for all ages and stages of children, from jigsaws, play dough and water play, to bike, scooters and climbing frames. Activities are planned by following the interests of the children and their developmental needs.
Q. Do you take the children out?
A.Outings are planned accordingly
Q.Do you provide meals?
A.All meals are provided and included within the usual fee. Additional fees are required for free entitlement childcare (see times and fees page).
Q.Do you have access to outdoor space?
A.Yes we have a large outdoor area.
Q.Do you pick children up from school?
A.We no longer provide this service following covid-19 restrictions.